What is Cryopreservation?

Life cell or stem cell are considered to be roots of the human body, like any plant can be regrown with the help of the roots, similarly of stem cell/ cryo cell are preserved, they can help not just individual also family members to fight with various diseases.

In this process stem cells are preserved and can be used up to 23 years for regeneration, there are medically certified stem cell bank who takes care of this whole process and help couples save stem cells while child delivery.

Cryopreservation is a method used to freeze and store human embryos and sperms. It is especially valuable for the freezing of extra embryos that are generated by in vitro fertilization (IVF). A couple can choose to use cryopreserved embryos for later pregnancies or when IVF fails with fresh embryos. In the process of frozen embryo transfer, the embryos are thawed and implanted into the woman’s uterus. This method is especially useful in older age or for patients suffering with cancer, they can preserve their eggs and sperms before undergoing treatment. Cryopreservation offers better success chances for IVF and IUI Treatment.

Cryopreservation Process

Cryopreservation is a process in which cells, eggs, sperms, tissues, ovarian tissues, pre-implantation embryos, organs, etc. are kept in extremely cold temperatures without affecting the cell’s viability.

Selection of Material

Cryoprotective Agents


Storage in Liquid Nitrogen

Thawing / Warming of Cells

What is the Cost & Success Rate of IVF

IVF cost varies from hospital to city in India. In our country, the total cost of reproduction through IVF technology is generally in the range of Rs. 1,50,000 to 3,000,00, and is also dependent on the medical condition of the couple. There may be additional treatment and medication suggested for the couple which may further vary the cost of the IVF procedure.
The success of an IVF procedure depends upon a number of factors such as :


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    ** Disclaimer: As per "Pre-Conception & Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and prevention of Misuse) Act, 1994", Gender Selection and Determination is strictly prohibited and is a criminal offence. Our centers strictly do not entertain or provide sex selection or determination. Commercial Surrogacy and Single Parent Male Surrogacy is illegal and MedJinni does not provide or support these services at any of its partner Centers. MedJinni is a healthcare brand providing Marketing services to registered and fully licensed IVF clinics/centers/hospitals/medical professionals. We are not a genetic counselling center and don't provide any counselling services over phone or video call, WhatsApp, zoom or messaging or any other communication channel. All counselling services are provided at the registered clinic by a licensed medical professional.

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